1515 Restaurant

Location: Denver, CO USA
Industry: Restaurant


Enhance Online Reputation: Improve the quality of reviews and responses on Yelp, TripAdvisor, and other review platforms to bolster the restaurant's reputation.

Optimize OpenTable Integration: Utilize the OpenTable app effectively for booking and scheduling to enhance customer convenience and streamline operations.

Increase Conference and Exhibition Traffic: Attract more visitors from nearby conventions and exhibitions by positioning the restaurant as a preferred dining option.

Website Redesign: Revamp the website to improve user experience, showcase the restaurant's offerings, and facilitate online reservations.

Social Media Presence: Establish a strong presence on social media platforms to engage with customers, promote special events, and drive traffic to the restaurant.

Email Marketing Campaign: Develop a targeted email marketing campaign to engage with existing customers, promote special offers, and encourage repeat visits.

Partnership with Event Hosts: Collaborate with hosts of local conventions and exhibitions to increase visibility and attract attendees to the restaurant